EWO Ministry
EWO Apostolic and Prayer Rally
Join us every Wednesday morning at 6 am [MST]
The fervent prayer of the righteous makes tremendous power available.
Join our prayer team every Wednesday at 6 am MST (Arizona Time) for an hour of MORNING GLORY.
Send your prayer request to info@eagleworldoutreach.org with the subject PRAYER REQUEST.

EWO Apostolic and Prophetic Revival Rally
Join us every last Friday of the month
Revival is NOW! Are you READY? God is releasing a new sound on the earth. You can experience the revival from anywhere you are. Join us every last Friday of the month in-person or virtually for our monthly Apostolic & Prophetic Revival Rally.

EWO Apostolic and Prophetic Mid - Week Virtual Rally
Join us every Friday at 7 pm [MST]
Our Mid-week Virtual Rally is designed to provide ongoing doctrinal and spiritual formation in the area of Faith & Nationwide Revival for Christians exploring faith in modern-day times with a deep desire to experience what the Bible promises.